Rock Out with To Be Continued Guitar Tabs - Master the Song Today!

Learn to play your favorite songs with To Be Continued guitar tabs. Easy-to-follow tabs for all skill levels. Start playing today!

Are you looking for a guitar tab that will challenge your skills and elevate your playing to the next level? Look no further than Guthrie Govan's To Be Continued. This intricate piece showcases Govan's virtuosic talent and unique style, blending elements of jazz, rock, and fusion into one seamless composition. But don't be intimidated by the complexity of the piece – with the right guidance and practice, you'll be able to master each note and technique. Whether you're a seasoned guitarist or just starting out, To Be Continued is sure to keep you engaged and motivated to improve your craft. So grab your guitar, download the tabs, and let's get started on this musical journey!

Guthrie Govan: Master of To Be Continued Guitar Tabs


The Genius of Guthrie Govan

There are very few musicians in the world who can match the talent and skill level of Guthrie Govan. This British guitarist is renowned for his virtuosity, versatility, and creativity, and his contributions to the world of music have been nothing short of spectacular. Over the years, Guthrie has developed a unique style that combines elements of rock, jazz, blues, and even funk, and his playing has inspired countless fans and aspiring musicians around the globe.

To Be Continued Guitar Tabs: A Masterpiece in the Making

One of Guthrie's most iconic pieces of music is To Be Continued, a track that showcases his incredible technical ability and musicality. This song features complex riffs, intricate melodies, and stunning solos, and it has become a favorite among guitar enthusiasts and musicians alike. To help aspiring guitarists learn how to play this masterpiece, Guthrie has released a set of guitar tabs that break down the song into its individual parts.

Breaking Down the Song

The guitar tabs for To Be Continued are divided into several sections, each of which focuses on a specific part of the song. These sections include the intro, verse, chorus, bridge, and solo, and each one is meticulously crafted to capture the essence of Guthrie's playing. The tabs are written in standard notation and tablature, making it easy for guitarists of all skill levels to follow along.

The Intro

The intro to To Be Continued is a masterpiece in itself, featuring complex arpeggios and intricate fingerpicking patterns. The guitar tabs for this section break down each note and chord, providing detailed instructions on how to play each part. Guthrie's playing on this section is particularly impressive, showcasing his incredible finger dexterity and technical ability.

The Verse

The verse section of To Be Continued features a simple yet catchy riff that sets the tone for the rest of the song. The guitar tabs for this section provide detailed instructions on how to play each note and chord, as well as tips on how to achieve the right tone and feel. This section is a great example of how Guthrie can make even the simplest of riffs sound amazing.

The Chorus

The chorus section of To Be Continued features a more complex riff that builds on the earlier verse section. The guitar tabs for this section break down each note and chord, providing detailed instructions on how to play each part. This section also showcases Guthrie's incredible sense of melody and his ability to create memorable hooks that stick in your head long after the song is over.

The Bridge

The bridge section of To Be Continued is a short but sweet interlude that features some of Guthrie's most impressive playing on the entire track. The guitar tabs for this section break down each note and chord, providing detailed instructions on how to play each part. This section is a great example of how Guthrie can seamlessly transition between different parts of a song, creating a cohesive and memorable listening experience.

The Solo

The solo section of To Be Continued is where Guthrie really shines, showcasing his incredible technical ability and musicality. The guitar tabs for this section break down each note and chord, providing detailed instructions on how to play each part. This section also showcases Guthrie's incredible improvisational skills, as he weaves in and out of different scales and techniques to create a truly unforgettable solo.

A Masterclass in Guitar Playing

Learning how to play To Be Continued using Guthrie's guitar tabs is a masterclass in guitar playing, and it's an experience that every aspiring guitarist should have. Not only will you learn how to play one of the most iconic guitar tracks of all time, but you'll also gain valuable insight into Guthrie's unique playing style and approach to music. So what are you waiting for? Grab your guitar and start learning today!

Exploring the Intricacies of To Be Continued Guitar Tabs

Hey there fellow guitar enthusiasts, let's dive into the intricacies of the To Be Continued guitar tabs. This is a track that truly showcases the band's technical ability and musicality to the fullest. As a guitarist, you'll have a lot to learn from this song. So, let's break down the different sections and see how we can bring out the best in our playing.

The Intro Riff

The intro riff is a true spectacle of unison playing between the guitar and bass. Make sure to pay attention to your timing and bring out the dynamic shifts in the riff. Start off by playing it slowly and gradually build up the speed. Keep your fingers relaxed and your picking hand loose. This will help you achieve a smooth and even sound.

The Verse Section

Moving on to the verse section, the chords are somewhat unconventional with a hint of jazz influence. Keep the groove and feel steady, and don't be afraid to experiment with some colorful chord voicings. Try adding some extensions or substitutions to the chords to add some interest. This will also help you develop your ear for harmony.

The Pre-Chorus

The pre-chorus is where things start to get really interesting. The melody is quite catchy and the guitar part features some cool tapping and legato techniques. Practice slowly and build up gradually. Use your pinky to tap the notes and keep your left hand relaxed. This will help you achieve a clean and precise sound.

The Chorus

The chorus is an explosive moment in the song. Stay tight with the rhythm section and don't be afraid to add some tasteful embellishments to the chords and melody. Experiment with different strumming patterns and try adding some arpeggios or slides to the chords. This will help you bring out the emotion in the song.

The Bridge Section

The bridge section offers a nice contrast from the rest of the song. The atmosphere is more subdued and introspective. Focus on bringing out the emotion in the chords and melody. Use your picking hand to create a soft and gentle sound. This will help you achieve a more nuanced and expressive performance.

The Guitar Solo

We then move on to the guitar solo, which is an absolute tour de force of technical virtuosity and improvisation. Let your fingers fly and don't hold back. Experiment with different scales and modes and try to create a memorable melody. Use your picking hand to add some dynamics to your playing. This will help you achieve a more expressive and dynamic sound.

The Instrumental Section

After the solo, the song goes through an instrumental section featuring some cool rhythmic interplay between the guitars and bass. Again, timing and dynamics are crucial here. Try to lock in with the rhythm section and create a tight and cohesive sound. Use your picking hand to accentuate the rhythms and create a more dynamic sound.

The Outro

The outro is a masterclass in building tension and release. The guitar melody is simple yet effective, escalating to a climactic finish. Make sure to give it your all and leave the listener wanting more. Use your picking hand to create a sense of anticipation and build up the tension. Then, release it with a powerful strum or chord. This will help you achieve a more impactful and memorable ending.


Overall, To Be Continued is a testament to the band's musicianship and creativity. Take your time with the guitar tabs and let yourself be inspired by the sheer brilliance of this track. Remember to focus on your timing, dynamics, and expression. This will help you achieve a more nuanced and impactful performance. So, keep practicing and enjoy the journey!

As Guthrie Govan picked up his guitar, he couldn't help but feel the excitement of playing one of his favorite songs - To Be Continued. The opening notes filled the room, and he started to reminisce about the first time he had ever heard the song.

  1. He remembered how he had been browsing through guitar tabs online, looking for inspiration when he stumbled upon the chords for To Be Continued
  2. He had been drawn in by the intricate fingerpicking pattern and the beautiful melody that seemed to flow effortlessly from the strings
  3. As he started to learn the song, he was struck by the complexity of the arrangement and the skill it required to play it with precision
  4. But Guthrie was never one to shy away from a challenge, and he threw himself into mastering the piece, spending hours perfecting every note and chord change
  5. Eventually, he was able to play the song flawlessly, and it quickly became one of his favorite pieces to perform

As he played the song now, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at how far he had come since those early days of learning the guitar. The intricate fingerpicking pattern still posed a challenge, but he was able to execute it with ease thanks to years of practice and dedication.

Guthrie's voice and tone were filled with emotion as he reached the final notes of the song, leaving the room in silence as the last chord rang out. He knew that To Be Continued would always hold a special place in his heart, reminding him of the joy and passion that came from playing the guitar.

Hey there, fellow guitar enthusiasts! It's been a pleasure to share with you my insights on the To Be Continued guitar tabs. I hope you found the information useful and that it has helped you in your quest to become a better guitarist. Before we end this blog, I want to leave you with a few final thoughts.

First of all, I want to emphasize the importance of practice. No matter how good you are, there is always room for improvement. The more you practice, the better you will become. So, keep practicing those To Be Continued guitar tabs until you can play them flawlessly.

Secondly, I want to encourage you to keep exploring new music and expanding your horizons. There are so many amazing guitarists out there with unique styles and techniques. Don't be afraid to try something new and challenge yourself. You never know what you might discover.

Lastly, I want to thank you for taking the time to read this blog. I hope you enjoyed it and learned something new. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. I'd love to hear from you. Keep playing and keep rocking!

Until next time,

Guthrie Govan

Guitar enthusiasts often wonder about To Be Continued guitar tabs. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions:

  • What is the difficulty level of the To Be Continued guitar tabs?
    • The difficulty level of the guitar tabs for To Be Continued by Guthrie Govan is considered to be intermediate to advanced. It requires a good understanding of various techniques such as legato, alternate picking, and sweep picking.
  • Are there any alternate versions of the To Be Continued guitar tabs available online?
    • Yes, there are many alternate versions of the To Be Continued guitar tabs available online. However, it is recommended to stick to the original tabs by Guthrie Govan as they are the most accurate and reliable.
  • Can the To Be Continued guitar tabs be played on an acoustic guitar?
    • Yes, the To Be Continued guitar tabs can be played on an acoustic guitar. However, it is important to note that the song was originally played on an electric guitar and some of the techniques may not translate well to an acoustic guitar.

Guthrie Govan's voice and tone:

Guthrie Govan is known for his incredible guitar skills and his unique approach to playing. His tone is often described as smooth and polished, with a lot of clarity and definition. In terms of his voice, Guthrie is a very articulate and engaging speaker, with a great sense of humor and a deep knowledge of music theory. He is highly respected in the guitar community and is considered to be one of the most innovative and talented guitarists of his generation.
